Saturday, April 2, 2011


Start: 6:00

Really good night of legs. I like the leg press workout. Squats were light and had a little pain reaching my left arm back to the bar but everything went well. Cardio was killer after the leg workout but I pushed through it! All around great workout!!

Leg extensions 2 warm ups 2x10/260
Squats 2 warm ups 3x10/225
Leg press 2 warm ups 3 sets at 720x10 (drop 180), 540x10 (drop 180), 360x10 (drop 180) 180x10 immediately do a quick 15-20 with feet close together low and on your toes.(that's 1 set)
Calf raises on calf machine 1 warm up 4x20/190, 1x20/200

40 minutes of cardio

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